With funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Education School Breakfast Expansion Grant, Saint Clair School District in Schuylkill County, Pa., is adding nutritious smoothies to its cafeteria menu. To mark the occasion and educate students about nutrition and physical activity, American Dairy Association North East and Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program helped create the smoothies by pedaling away on a “blender bike.”

The blender bike is an imaginative contraption that harnesses the energy of pedaling to power the blender’s blades, transforming fresh fruits, creamy yogurt, and other wholesome ingredients into a symphony of flavors. Students had a chance to pedal the bike, make their own smoothies and participate in other fun physical activities.

School Nutrition Director Kim Wilson was integral in the school’s new grant funding, knowing how important breakfast is in fueling students’ academic success.

School menus that include dairy foods like milk, cheese and yogurt support children’s growth, bone health, and overall development. Nutrients in dairy foods, such as protein and certain vitamins and minerals, are linked to improved cognitive function and brain health. A balanced breakfast that includes dairy contributes to better concentration, memory, and overall cognitive performance in students.