Selected New York High School athletes can enter the New York Athletes Love Dairy #NYATHLETE2021 contest for a chance to win a REFUEL Under Armor athletic zip-up! 5 winners will be selected each week! To enter, just post a photo of your favorite healthy dairy snack that keeps you fueled during workouts, practices and games to your public Instagram account with the #NYATHLETE2021 hashtag. If you don’t have an Instagram account, photo submissions can be emailed to info@americandairy.com with “NY Athletes Love Dairy” as the subject line.

The Contest will run from March 5th — March 31st with 5 winners selected each week.
This contest is in no way administered or affiliated with Instagram or Under Armor. American Dairy Association North East will select 5 winners on March 12th, March 19th, March 26th and March 31st. Instagram profiles must be set to public in order for photo submissions to be reviewed. If entrant does not have an Instagram account, they can email their photo submission to info@americandairy.com with “NY Athlete 2021” as the subject line. Contest is open to attendees of the NYSPHSAA Student Leadership Conference.
CLICK HERE for the full sweepstakes terms and conditions.
CLICK HERE to download the Top 5 Ways to Help You Thrive handout!