ADA North East highlighted three local dairy farms —— E-Z Acres Farm in Homer, N.Y., Worth the Wait Farm in Stevens, Pa., and Cow Comfort Inn Dairy in Union Bridge, Md. — in a virtual farm tour during the Choose Clean Water Coalition conference this week. Dairy farmers Mike McMahon and Katie Dotterer-Pyle also participated in a live discussion with the group, recognizing that consumers are expressing more interest in sustainability and responsibly produced foods. All dairy farmers know building positive relationships with environmental groups is critical to long-term success.
“Our farm sits on three watersheds that we think about all the time,” said McMahon. “Our farming practice decisions are based on them so we can help secure clean water for all the people who depend on our level of management on this farm.”
A participant of the virtual tours said, “I did not realize all the ways dairy farmers are employing tools to protect the environment while successfully raising cattle and crops. There are many things dairy farmers can and want to do for conservation, but funding really is an impediment.”