Dairy farmers’ signature Virtual Farm Tours kicked off the Spring season this week at Star Rock Dairy in Conestoga, Pa., with Farmer Ed Facer. More than 13,000 students from 43 states registered for the live virtual tour, with others planning to watch the recorded version later.
Since launching the Virtual Farm Tour concept in 2018, your staff has been consistently testing and implementing ways to make this program more valuable for teachers and participants. New this season are two separate tour sessions taking place on the same day – a “Deep Dive” tour on sustainable nutrition for grades 6-12 and a more general “How Dairy Recycles” tour for students Pre-K- grade 5. Other developments include the creation of vocabulary lists, and the inclusion of our teacher-developed student lesson plans which meet Common Core Standards. These lessons plans were created for elementary, middle and high school classes to increase student knowledge of dairy farmer environmental and animal care practices.
“Doing the Virtual Farm Tour was easy and very enjoyable,” said Ed Facer. “It gives me an opportunity to give back to kids of all ages of all demographics to see what happens on a day in the life of a farmer.”
Learn about Upcoming Spring Virtual Farm Tours!
Future tours are scheduled for April and May. Visit our Virtual Farm Tours page for more information.